Thursday, 21 November 2019


By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. He concentrated on his sufiana musical career having done his M. Parminder Singh Puppy is worried about the Future of his careless and spoilt sons. After that, he joined Government College, Hoshiarpur to complete his graduation in Music with Honours. Take Her Home with You…………………. peepni vaja ke mp3

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Peepni punjabi mp3 song download

Born in Bajrawar village of Hoshiarpur, Sartaaj did his schooling from the government schools in his village and the nearby villages Chabbewal and Patti. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Thereby turning the story into a Perfect Punjabi Wedding not to be Missed. Sartaaj attained global recognition with his first Canada Tour in in which he performed in 18 sold out shows in big cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. Since then his popularity has seen a constant surge among the Punjabi diaspora with his shows being held in many countries acrosthe world.

Sartaaj was highly appreciated during his tour of Europe in which he performed in Italy, Germany, Norway, Austria. Which infolds the story of a punjabi family presently living a prestigious life in Punjab.

peepni vaja ke mp3

The song is a compilation of a list ofquestions of the parents who inquire about the various dreams with which their kin had flown abroad. Its a Situational Comedy.

peepni vaja ke mp3

The whole confusion starts about Who Will be Marrying whom? Each copy of the CD has a booklet which includes an English translation of each song and also accompanied by pictures of Dr Sartaaj which go with the theme of the song.


It is a prayer by a helpless man who has been entangled by the miseries of the world and longs for a life free of complexities. The CD pack itself shows that the effort into this project is tremendous. Sartaaj did his M. While the lyrics are simple and clean, the music and composition gives a traditional touch.

During his tours Sartaaj was honored at state and national parliaments in Canada and legislative assembly in California, USA. This site uses cookies.

peepni vaja ke mp3

Take Her Home with You…………………. The release has put an end to the two year long wait for the millions of fans worldwide who were brought back into the fold of good literary poetry and meaningful music by the songs of Dr Sartaaj. After that, he joined Government College, Hoshiarpur to complete his graduation in Music with Honours.

Sartaaj also completed a Certificate Course and Diploma in Persian language. The release has put an end to the two year long wait for the millions of fans worldwide who were brought back into the fold of good literary. He concentrated on his sufiana musical career having done his M. He performed in sold out shows in UK in and He gave live performances in Australia and New Zealand in and Sartaaj was highly appreciated during his tour of Europe in which he performed in Italy, Germany, Norway, Austria, Greece and Sweden.

Parminder Singh Puppy is worried about the Future of his careless and spoilt sons. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. He also joined Sangeet Visharad, a five year diploma in classical music from Jalandhar.

It was induring his study he also started writing poetry and adopted his Takhallus poetic name Sartaaj. The ten songs in this album touch issues from different walks of life and the listeners can associate themselves with most of the songs.

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